The server is entirely on-premise. It operates within a closed network, with no cloud-based components or internet access, ensuring full control and security for the casino users.
No, the system operates within a closed network and is entirely on-premise. The server does not have internet access, and Aeyesky will only access the system when we are on-site.
Our system is not connected to any player-related databases. The AI references only table positions (e.g., Player 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) for analysis, ensuring that no personal player data is used or stored.
The system detects and records gameplay segments identified as “Dealer Faults.” These video clips typically range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Casino users will have full access to review these recordings for further analysis.
The AI analyzes only a small, focused section of the table area within the region of interest (ROI). This ensures that only relevant parts of the game are captured for analysis, without unnecessary footage of players or dealers.
No, no third-party companies or services are involved in the operation of the system. The entire system is managed internally by Aeyesky and the casino users.
Yes, certain functions, such as advantage player detection, can be disabled upon request to ensure regulatory safety and compliance.
The video clips, such as those capturing “Dealer Faults,” are stored for as long as storage space permits. Each clip typically takes about 20MB of storage, so with a standard 2TB hard drive, ~100,000 clips can be stored efficiently. And Aeyesky will add additional space if needed.